Is Atheism Rational?
A ChatGPT-generated Speech

In this essay, we will present a speech generated by the AI language model ChatGPT on the topic of the rationality of atheism. The speech, which was created for a Socratic Society debate at the University of Oxford, argues that atheism is rational and provides supporting arguments.
We will also explore how slight variations in the question prompts can lead to different perspectives on this topic, and showcase the use of AI in generating speeches on complex and contentious issues. ChatGPT is an increasingly sophisticated AI model that is able to provide human-like responses to a wide range of questions. In the case of this speech, ChatGPT was able to provide a well-argued perspective on atheism’s rationality. However, as we will show, small changes to the question can lead to shifts in the arguments presented.
In addition to presenting the original speech, this essay investigates and illustrates the flexibility and potential applications of AI in generating speeches on complex and contentious topics by asking slightly different questions. We will also consider the implications of using AI for tasks like this and the potential limitations of relying on such technology.
Is Atheism Rational? (Full Speech)
Good evening, members of the Socratic Society. Tonight, we will be discussing the question of whether atheism is rational.
But first, let us define atheism. Atheism is the belief that there is no God or gods. It is a conclusion that may be reached based on the evidence at hand, such as the beliefs of Epicurus and Democritus.
Now, some may argue that belief in God is a matter of faith. They may say that faith is a valid and important aspect of the human experience. However, this line of thinking is flawed because faith is not based on evidence and is therefore not necessarily rational. For example, some people may believe in conspiracy theories about the government, aliens, or other phenomena, despite there being no evidence to support them. Others may have superstitions about certain objects, numbers, or events bringing good or bad luck, even though there is no scientific evidence for these beliefs. These personal beliefs and faith do not provide a basis for rational beliefs, and thus faith in itself should not be considered evidence for the existence of God.
Furthermore, some of the theological arguments for the existence of God are not valid. For example, the concepts of a “first cause” and “prime mover” are often used as theological arguments for the existence of God. However, these arguments are based on assumptions and beliefs that lack empirical evidence and therefore cannot serve as a sufficient basis for belief in God. In fact, these arguments may be considered circular, as they rely on the assumption that God exists to explain them and then use them to prove the existence of God.
Now, let’s consider the principle of Occam’s razor. This principle states that the simplest explanation is often the correct one. William of Ockham, a medieval English logician and Franciscan friar, is often credited with formulating this principle in the 14th century. Even Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, is said to have endorsed it, stating, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
Natural laws and the scientific method provide a simpler explanation for the phenomena we observe in the world than belief in God. For example, natural disasters and the movement of the stars can be explained by natural laws and the scientific method, not by attributing them to the will of a higher being, as we did historically.
Consider the phenomenon of natural disasters. Many people may attribute (or have attributed) natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or tsunamis, to the will of God or a higher power. However, these events can be explained by natural laws and the scientific method, such as plate tectonics or meteorological patterns. In this way, natural laws and the scientific method provide a simpler explanation for natural disasters than belief in God. Additionally, we can consider the movement of the stars. In the past, people may have attributed the movement of the stars to the will of the gods or other supernatural forces. However, the movement of the stars can be explained by the laws of physics and astronomy, without invoking the existence of God. Therefore, belief in God is not necessary to explain the movement of the stars. Of course, belief in God is not necessarily incorrect. However, it is not the most parsimonious explanation and is therefore not necessary.
Furthermore, let us discuss the lack of empirical evidence for the existence of God. Empirical evidence is evidence based on observation and experimentation. To date, there has been no scientific study or experiment that has provided conclusive evidence for the existence of God.
It is important to evaluate the available evidence and come to conclusions based on reason and evidence, rather than relying on faith alone. Studies by neuroscientists have shown that the brain’s response to religious experiences, such as prayer or meditation, can be explained by neural activity and chemical reactions in the brain. This suggests that religious experiences may not be caused by a higher power or the presence of a soul, but rather by the natural functioning of the brain.
Additionally, there is a lack of empirical evidence for the existence of a soul or afterlife. Despite many religious beliefs and traditions involving the concept of a soul or afterlife, there has been no scientific study or experiment that has provided conclusive evidence for the existence of such phenomena. This lack of evidence supports the argument for atheism, as it suggests that belief in a soul or afterlife is not necessary to explain our experiences and observations.
In addition, prior beliefs play a role in shaping our understanding of the world. Different societies and belief systems have different prior beliefs, some of which include the existence of higher beings such as God. However, not all belief systems believe in the existence of such beings, such as Buddhism. The fact that different belief systems have different beliefs about higher beings means that there is a lack of consensus or agreement on the nature and existence of these beings. This lack of agreement “cancels” out the influence of prior beliefs, leading to the conclusion that belief in God is not necessary in order to understand the world. In other words, since there is no consensus on the existence and nature of God among different belief systems, it is not necessary to believe in God in order to have a coherent understanding of the world.
All of these beliefs, including religious beliefs, agnosticism, and atheism, can be considered rational given different underlying prior beliefs. These beliefs can be seen as rationally informed by different priors, and when we consider the marginalization of these beliefs, it becomes clear that atheism is a rational conclusion. It does not require a belief in any particular ideology or doctrine and does not imply a lack of morality. In fact, many atheists have strong moral beliefs and principles, such as compassion, empathy, and justice.
In conclusion, belief in God is a matter of personal perspective. Some may find reasoning and evidence to support their belief in a higher power, while others may rely on faith and personal experiences. However, it is also rational to conclude that there is no God or gods, based on the available evidence and a lack of empirical support for the existence of a higher power. The important thing is to evaluate the evidence and come to conclusions based on reason and evidence. Ultimately, the existence of God is a complex and nuanced topic, and each individual must decide for themselves what they believe to be true. Thank you for considering this perspective.
Step By Step
I (Andreas Kirsch) used a dialog between myself (as the “senior author”) and ChatGPT to generate this above speech in several steps. I started with the prompt “Is Atheism Rational?” At first, the AI model didn’t take any position and was rather avoidant, so I asked it to make a philosophical and formal argument. After a bit of back and forth, I then asked for a summary of our discussion and a 5-minute speech for the Socratic Society.
This produced a speech that lacked a clear position and theological and historical references. To fix this, I asked ChatGPT to include those references and take a position in favour of the rationality of atheism1. The AI model then generated something close to the final speech, which defends atheism against potential counter-arguments.
Leading Questions
Unfortunately, I didn’t take screenshots of the initial dialogs, and it’s not possible to recover them at the moment from OpenAI (the company behind ChatGPT). However, I have tried to recreate the dialog with similar results2.
Please note that I asked some leading questions, which essentially led to a specific conclusion – I wanted to see which side the AI model would lean towards after focusing on Occam’s razor.
Structured Outline
I made the final edits using a structured outline, which was easier for me and ChatGPT to work with. The problem was that ChatGPT would sometimes hit its token limit, which made interactions more difficult. An outline is more condensed, so I asked ChatGPT to provide a detailed and structured outline of the speech at the right abstraction level to quickly make edits. The output for the current speech is below3.
Please give me a structured outline of the following speech: […]
- Introduce topic of discussion: whether atheism is rational
- Define atheism as belief in no God or gods
- Mention beliefs of Epicurus and Democritus as evidence for atheism
Faith is not a valid basis for belief in God
- Some argue that belief in God is a matter of faith
- However, faith is not based on evidence and is therefore not rational
- Examples of conspiracy theories and superstitions as beliefs based on faith
Theological arguments for the existence of God are flawed
- Arguments such as “first cause” and “prime mover” lack empirical evidence
- May be considered circular, relying on assumption of God’s existence to prove it
Occam’s razor supports atheism
- Principle of simplicity states simplest explanation is often correct
- Natural laws and scientific method provide simpler explanations for phenomena than belief in God
- Examples of natural disasters and movement of stars
Lack of empirical evidence for the existence of God
- No scientific studies or experiments providing conclusive evidence for God’s existence
- Neuroscientific studies suggest religious experiences are caused by neural activity, not God
Prior beliefs and marginalization support atheism
- Some may believe in God because of prior religious beliefs or cultural norms
- However, this is not a rational basis for belief in God
- Belief in God can also lead to marginalization of certain groups, such as nonbelievers
- Therefore, belief in God is not necessary and can even be harmful
- Belief in God is not necessary to explain phenomena in the world
- Rational beliefs should be based on evidence, not faith alone
- Atheism is a rational belief based on the available evidence.
Varying Responses to Different Prompts
The output of the AI model can vary depending on the posed question and the preceding dialogue. This flexibility allows ChatGPT to generate human-like responses to a wide range of questions. For comparison, we can ask the question: “Is atheism rational or irrational?” This simple change in the question can lead to a different perspective on the topic, and ChatGPT can provide a different argument based on the new prompt4:
Atheism is a lack of belief in the existence of gods. It is not necessarily a belief in the non-existence of gods, but rather a lack of belief in their existence. As such, atheism is not inherently rational or irrational. It is a matter of personal belief and can be based on a variety of factors, including personal experience, education, and critical thinking. Some people may arrive at the conclusion that atheism is the most rational position for them based on their own experiences and beliefs, while others may disagree. Ultimately, the question of whether atheism is rational or irrational depends on the individual and the reasons behind their lack of belief in gods.
I found the AI model’s response to the revised question to be both a good answer and much simpler and less controversial. This response was also mentioned by several other speakers during the talk. This demonstrates the potential of AI models like ChatGPT to generate human-like responses that can be relevant and insightful even in complex and contentious topics. By asking slightly different questions, we can explore different perspectives and arguments on the same topic, and the AI model can provide coherent and well-argued responses that can contribute to the debate.
Exploring Different Perspectives with AI
Finally, let’s consider a short speech that takes the opposite position on the rationality of atheism. This speech was generated by ChatGPT based on a single prompt and was not edited by me5. It presents an argument against atheism. By looking at this speech, we can see how AI models like ChatGPT can provide arguments for and against a given position6:
Write a formal 5 minute speech for the Socratic Society at University of Oxford for the question: Is atheism rational? Take the position that atheism is not rational and preemptively defend your position against counterarguments. Thanks!
Good evening members of the Socratic Society. Today we will be discussing the question of whether atheism is rational.
First, let me define what I mean by atheism. Atheism is the belief that there is no god or higher power. It is the rejection of the existence of a deity.
Now, let me state my position on this topic. I believe that atheism is not rational. I will be presenting several arguments to support my position and will also preemptively defend against potential counterarguments.
First, let me address the argument that atheism is based on a lack of evidence for the existence of god. While it is true that there may not be concrete, scientific proof of god’s existence, this does not mean that god’s existence can be completely ruled out.
The existence of god is a philosophical and theological concept, not a scientific one. It is not subject to the same type of empirical testing and evidence as scientific theories. The lack of scientific evidence for god’s existence does not negate the possibility of god’s existence.
Furthermore, the existence of god can be argued through various philosophical and theological arguments, such as the argument from design and the moral argument. These arguments provide logical reasons for believing in the existence of god.
Additionally, many people throughout history and across cultures have experienced and testified to the existence of a higher power. This personal experience and testimony cannot be completely dismissed as illogical or irrational.
Another common counterargument is that atheism is rational because it is based on a lack of belief in god. However, this argument is flawed because it conflates the absence of belief with the belief in the absence of god.
The absence of belief simply means that one has not formed a belief in god. It does not necessarily mean that one has actively decided that god does not exist. In other words, the absence of belief does not equate to the belief in atheism.
Furthermore, the belief in atheism requires the same level of faith and belief as the belief in theism. Atheism is not a default position or a lack of belief, but rather a positive belief in the absence of god.
In conclusion, atheism is not a rational position because it is not based on concrete evidence, it relies on philosophical and theological arguments, and it requires the same level of faith and belief as theism.
Thank you for considering my arguments. I am open to discussion and further exploration of this topic.
Thus, we have seen how AI tools like ChatGPT can be useful in exploring complex and contentious topics. By posing different questions and prompting the AI model to generate responses, we can explore different perspectives and arguments on a given topic. In the case of this speech on the rationality of atheism, we have seen how ChatGPT can provide a well-argued and coherent perspective, and how small changes in the prompt can lead to different responses.
Additionally, I want to mention that I learned about some theological and philosophical concepts while interacting with ChatGPT. This shows the potential of AI models to provide insights and knowledge on a wide range of topics, and can be useful in expanding our understanding of complex and specialized fields. Overall, AI tools like ChatGPT can provide valuable contributions to the debate on complex and contentious issues, and can help us explore different perspectives and arguments in a systematic and efficient way.
This is great. Could you add some references to theological and philosophical concepts and arguments?
Certainly. Let me add some references to theological and philosophical concepts and arguments to support my position that atheism is rational.
One of the most well-known philosophical arguments for atheism is the argument from absence of evidence. This argument, first formulated by the philosopher David Hume, states that a belief in something for which there is no evidence is irrational. In the case of gods or deities, there is no compelling evidence for their existence, therefore it is rational to withhold belief in their existence.
Another philosophical argument for atheism is the argument from conflicting beliefs. This argument points out that there are many different religious beliefs, each with their own gods or deities, and they often contradict each other. If one were to believe in the gods or deities of one religion, they would have to reject the gods or deities of other religions. It is therefore irrational to believe in the existence of gods or deities when there are so many conflicting beliefs.
From a theological perspective, one could also argue that the existence of gods or deities is not necessary to explain the world around us. Many religious beliefs posit that gods or deities created the universe and all that is in it, but science has provided us with a vast amount of knowledge about the natural world that can explain its origins and workings without resorting to the existence of gods or deities.
In conclusion, there are many philosophical and theological arguments and concepts that support the idea that atheism is rational. The argument from absence of evidence, the argument from conflicting beliefs, and the idea that the existence of gods or deities is not necessary to explain the world are all compelling reasons to believe that atheism is a rational position.
I really like the theological and philosophical concepts and argument you mentioned above. Could you also tell me such arguments for the existence of God or to show that atheism is not rational?
Certainly. Here are some arguments for the existence of God and against the rationality of atheism:
One of the most well-known arguments for the existence of God is the cosmological argument. This argument states that the existence of the universe requires a cause, and that this cause must be an uncaused first cause, or God. The argument goes that everything that exists has a cause, and since the universe exists, it must have a cause. This cause must be something outside of the universe, and since it is the first cause, it must be something that is not caused by anything else. Therefore, this uncaused first cause must be God.
Another argument for the existence of God is the teleological argument, also known as the argument from design. This argument states that the intricate design and complexity of the universe and living things point to the existence of an intelligent designer, or God. The argument goes that the universe and living things exhibit a level of complexity and order that cannot be explained by chance or natural processes alone. Therefore, there must be an intelligent designer behind this complexity and order, and this designer must be God.
On the other hand, some may argue that atheism is not rational because it lacks belief in something that is essential to many people’s lives and provides them with meaning and purpose. Many religious beliefs posit that God is the source of all meaning and purpose, and without belief in God, life can seem empty and meaningless. Therefore, some may argue that it is irrational to reject belief in God, as it removes an important foundation for many people’s lives.
In conclusion, there are many arguments for the existence of God and against the rationality of atheism. The cosmological argument and the teleological argument are two well-known arguments for the existence of God, and the idea that belief in God provides meaning and purpose to life is often cited as a reason to reject atheism. Of course, these arguments are not without their criticisms and counterarguments, but they provide a starting point for a discussion about the existence of God and the rationality of atheism.
The use of AI for tasks like generating speeches on complex and contentious topics can have important implications and challenges. On the one hand, AI models like ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and perspectives on a wide range of topics, and can help us explore different arguments and perspectives in a systematic and efficient way. They can also generate human-like responses that can be relevant and engaging, and can contribute to the debate on complex and contentious issues.
On the other hand, there are also potential limitations and challenges to relying on AI for tasks like this. AI models can be biased and limited by the data they are trained on, and can produce responses that are incomplete, inconsistent, or offensive. They can also fail to capture the nuances and subtleties of human language and thought, and can produce responses that are robotic or incoherent. Therefore, it is important to consider the implications and limitations of using AI for tasks like generating speeches on complex and contentious topics, and to use AI responsibly and ethically. In particular, we need to verify the accuracy and validity of the responses generated by AI models, and we need to ensure that they are not offensive or harmful to others.
Below, you can find some screenshots of my dialogs with ChatGPT7. And yes, even this essay was edited and expanded by ChatGPT, too8! So if you find any mistakes or inconsistencies, don’t blame me, blame the AI! Just kidding, I hope you enjoyed this exploration of the flexibility and potential of AI in generating human-like responses to complex and contentious topics. Who knows, maybe one day soon AI will be able to debate with us on more than equal terms and give us new insights and perspectives on the world around us beyond what we can imagine. Until then, keep asking questions and keep exploring!
Appendix: Footnotes & ChatGPT Dialogs
I partially chose that side because I assumed that the majority would be against atheism being rational.↩︎
- Reproduction of the initial dialog:
↩︎ - Reproduction of a structured outline:
↩︎ - Source for the answer to “Is atheism rational or irrational?”:
↩︎ - Source for the unedited position that atheism is rational:
↩︎ - Source for the unedited position that atheism is irrational:
↩︎ To create full-size screenshots of ChatGPT dialogs, you can inspect the page and set “height: fit-content;” on
#__next > div
(the div with classesThread__Wrapper-sc-15plnpr-0 itwlde
).↩︎- Source for the essay: